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Creating Logos Effective for the Web

Creating Logos Effective for the Web

It is impossible to design for the web without meeting certain requirements. This concerns web design but it has to be considered even more thoroughly in case this is a logo design that is dealt with.

It is well-known that the logos are introduced on the home page, they are also put in the left-hand corner of the page, and so on. But what are the real rules that will make your logo effective for the web?

Using a Logo as a Linking Option

There is a common way to let the users get to the home page: it is using the special button. Besides, a logo can serve the same purpose and allow the user to get back to the main page. But actually, this is not the only way to use your logo in order to link stuff.

It is an excellent idea to link the logo to the spot that you would like to use as the one that will draw the attention of the big audience. Just measure the results as soon as you do it and you will see whether it works or not.

One more way to think about is to connect the logo with the contacts section.

Logo Should Be Used to Represent the Brand to the Fullest

This is extremely clear and vital but the problem is that not everyone applies such a rule on a regular basis.

A logo should make the owner proud of what he has, and the users would like to see that the logo carries just the same idea as content and other important stuff that has to deal with your brand in a certain way.

The names of the brands have to be connected with the logos. It helps to strengthen the brand identity thanks to the fact that such a combination leads to creating a cognitive association in human’s brain.

The logo is going to be successful only in case you intend to be creative enough and play with the stuff. In this case, the potential visitors will certainly stay on the site.

Try to Be Innovative When Creating a Logo But Do Not Be Too Pushy

Innovations are great. Nevertheless, they may be harmful when speaking of the user base that will be interacting with a particular logo. Here is what is meant by this. It is forbidden to innovate in case it is going to restrict users in some way. On the other hand, you should try to excite the audience and lead the visitors to the spots they would not be able to discover without the innovation you have introduced.

Any innovation should be carefully analyzed though. If it is evident that it does not lead to positive changes, you’d better refuse a particular idea.

Think about the Placement

It has already been mentioned that logos are normally put into a certain place. But why does it happen this way? The matter is that the users want to see them there. Or, to make things clearer, they expect them to be in a specific spot.

You may try to change the pattern and put it somewhere else but it may lead to negative results. It will be harder for the users to get to the home page, and it will turn into a great problem.

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